Monday, February 7, 2011

Art History 2/2/11 Lecture

The lecture on Wednesday felt a little rushed and condensed but I think the major point that Mr. Zucman was trying to get across was the evolution of art throughout the years. We got to see a glimpse of art from history to present. I would have liked to get more into detail with Monet, since he is my favorite painter. But I think we got a pretty good overview of the growth of art styles.  More than once he mentioned how past artist could have looked at the art being made during their time and said wow!! this is awesome lets continue this and make it better! While others thought to themselves, this is crap! I'm going in a total opposite direction. This comment made me think in general about conforming. And how some people are more than ok with conforming and not thinking outside the box. The example between Picasso and Pollock was interesting to me because I could feel the pressure Pollock felt, since he and Picasso were actively painting around the same time. Picasso had success with his cubism and this made it harder for Pollock to feel accepted and evolve as a painter. Especially because his type of artwork was so different,basically paint splatters. The short movie clip we watched from the autobiographical movie "Pollock" really helped me understand his process and method for painting. I think his art is not very interesting, it looks like giant splatters of paint that I could have produced in my garage. But if there is one thing I have learned is that for every type of art there is an acquired taste. And now his paintings sell for millions.
Picasso ~ Weeping Woman

Pollock ~ #8

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