Saturday, March 5, 2011


   My identity is composed of many things. I decided to includes the most important things that make me who I am in this collage. First of all my name is Evelyn Jordan and I am 29 years old. I am a radiology student at Cypress College. My family consists of my mom,dad,2 sisters,1 brother and myself. I also have three nephews and one niece. My immediate family are the most important thing to me.We have been through a lot and that has brought us much closer as a family. My mom passed away 3 years ago from cancer. This has changed the relationship I have with my little brother the most because I have taken a lot more responsibility in his upbringing than a sister usually does. Secondly are my friends, they are people I can count on to be there for me when I need them and vice versa. I am also a lover of music, especially the bands Coldplay, Muse, and My Chemical Romance. Going to concerts and seeing a band play live is something I love to do. Reading memoirs is very interesting to me, I like to read about other peoples lives. Especially when they overcome hardships. When I have the chance my favorite quick trip place to go to is Las Vegas, I love to walk around and explore the casinos on the strip (i don't like gambling). Pertaining to art,I'm a big Monet and Van Gogh fan. One last random fact about me is that I like taking pictures of the sky. Mostly fluffy clouds, my cell phone is full of random pictures of clouds! I hope this collage and short description has given you a small peek into my identity.

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