Sunday, March 6, 2011


I visited LACMA on Friday, March 3rd. I had not been feeling well so i decided to go late in the day and luckily got in for free (because i got there after 5pm) and only had to pay $10 for parking. The first thing that caught my attention when I got off the elevator were all the lit lamp posts that are outside on the sidewalk of the museum. They looked so nice and interesting, I had to take a picture.
Nympheas 1897-98 oil on canvas by Claude Monet
   Of course the first thing I asked and looked for when I got to the museum was the Claude Monet paintings. The workers at the museum were very nice and told me where they could be found. I love the two flowers in the the center of  this painting and the turquoise lily pads that surround the focal point flowers of the painting. I have been a Monet fan for a couple years now and it always makes me smile when I see his paintings they are so beautiful and calming. The colors and subjects of his paintings are always simple but he always manages to make amazing artwork.

Jacob's Ladder 1650 oil on onyx by Jacques Stella

   Although this painting is small when seen in person, it caught my eye because it is so beautiful. I'm not a religious person, but the angels coming down from above to the aid of the injured/deceased  person on the rock really caught my attention. And made me think of some personal experiences. The colors are so vibrant, glossy, & shiny that is really almost looks like a photograph. I was also surprised to read that the painting was done on onyx, I am so used to reading oil on canvas on every painting that I see. It was nice to see something new.

   The dresses in the "Fashion Fashion" exhibit were so elegant and simple, it was nice to see a different type of art that wasn't hanging on a wall. I reminded me how much I used to love fashion and why it used to be the career I wanted to pursue. When I got out of High School my dream was to attend FIDM, but that never panned out. Fashion has such a huge impact on society. It has the power to define eras in time. Weather it be bell bottoms from the 70's or the skinny jeans that are in style right now. It was nice to see this type of Exhibit at the museum.   
Campbell's Soup Can 1964 oil on canvas by Andy  Warhol
  My visit to the museum could not be complete without checking out the Andy Warhol paintings that were on display. Especially the famous Campbell's soup can paintings that are his trademark. Although it is a simple painting I can see the hype that people create over these paintings. I had never seen a Warhol painting up close, so this was a nice first time experience.

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