Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Midterm 3/7/11

   The midterm for Identity Module 2 went off without a hitch. I had a busy week prior to the midterm and worked hard to put some nice quality work into my blog. Since I am in group B, we were the first to meet up on Monday morning. I have to say we had a nice lunch that had a theme of hamburgers! :) I decided to take a nice cookie platter. I really enjoy meeting with my group and discussing our blogs. I feel each time we meet up we get to know each other a little better and learn a new fact about one another. Especially this time around because we had to discuss our Identity collage. We got the opportunity to see each others identity and learn what we all think defines us, with mostly the use of pictures. Going over our museum trips is always great because we get to see each persons taste in art and usually we all end up picking different art pieces to discuss. Reviewing each artist research the group members had to do is also great because we get to learn briefly about different artist. I hope each time we meet up the group keeps up the great work. Can't wait till the next week when the new module begins and we get to do a project,museum visit, and artist research all over again!

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