Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Module Identity 2/23/11

   Well! We finally met again after our group midterms. And it seems like I haven't been in class in a long time. The first order of business is blogs!! after much debate we are all now going to be on blogger! YAY! I am sure this will help the class communicate better with each other, now that we are all using the same site. After this announcement we went over the projects we will need to complete for module 2.
Module 2 is about identity, who were are. And most importantly who the artist is. In art the painter, sculptor, artist etc. use different mediums to show who they are and what they represent. They try to convey a message though their creation.The examples that were brought up in class were, the painting The Oath of the Horatti, 1784. And a piece by Barbara Kruger,1987.

Mr. Zucman also introduced us to Lela Lee and her cartoons tittled Angry Little Asian Girl. This project was created over the frustration Lela felt about work she saw at an animation festival. She felt offended and angry by how racist and sexist the cartons she saw were, so a friend dared her to create her own material. This is how Angry Little Asian Girl was created.